Possible problem with users in Europe

There might be a problem with the API version checker added in the latest version with users in Europe. The problem is due to the decimal point in European systems using a comma instead of a period.

Two work arounds –
1. change your system in Windows to use period as the decimal point
2. delete the “c:\Jts\API_VersionNum.txt” file

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19 Responses to Possible problem with users in Europe

  1. André says:


    Bt chooses the eoe minicontracts (MFAx3) in stead of regular contracts (FTIx3).

    How can I force BT to pick the other one?

    I did the reset to default symbol in tools.

  2. André says:


    “symbol” in BT is “underlying” in tws. Symbol in TWS is FTIX3, but I cannot enter that in bracket trader. Can I still download the previous version?

  3. André says:


    I added new symbols for ftix3 on FTA-exchange in BT. But that doesn’t work. Seems coding in BT is different from TWS.

  4. André says:

    last mail,

    Managed to reinstall version 12; now it works. versie 13 automatically chooses the minicontract.

    Would be nice if I could trade them both, but then BT must be able to see them differently.

  5. André says:


    R12 reads the ftix3 and R13 the mfa3x. It would be perfect if I could trade them both.

    But entering an order in r13 gives an ‘access violation’ error from tWS.

    I would be very happu if I knew how to trade the mini contracts along side the full contracts. I have both BT’s in separate subdirectories. That works fine. But now : what to do in bt 2013v13 to be able to trade the mini’s.

    Thanks in advance.

    • larrysy says:

      Hi Andre,

      For both the EOE mini’s and full contracts, the symbol is the same – EOE.

      So, you can only choose one or the other.

      If the default is the mini and you want to trade the full, you have to delete the symbol in the Add/Delete Symbols option in the Tools menu. Delete the EOE (which is the mini one), then add a new EOE using 200 as the multiplier (the only difference in the mini and the full is the multiplier) and vice versa if you want to trade the mini’s.

      However, you can only trade one symbol in one computer as the symbols are “shared” by all copies of BT.


      • André says:


        TWS only accepts one entry, so I cannot login from 2 pc’s. So having BT on 2 pc’s doesn’t help.

        I can see r12 reads the values of the full and r13 reads the mini – on the same pc. Can it be the reading is fine but entering orders isn’t?

  6. André says:

    Sorry, see now what you mean. This is not going to work. I’ll forgat about the mini’s for now. V13 with new eoe, multikpier 200 and the new api. Works great. Who knows, maybe there will be an upgrade sometime that handles the symbol/underlying issue. For now I rest my case 😉

  7. Didier Amelinckx says:

    Hello Larry,

    I’m using BT in combination with IB for some years now in Europe to trade the CAC 40 futures. I made an update a few days ago of TWS and BT and I can’t get quotes any more for the CAC40 futures, although BT works for the ES. I read that iB changed it’s file format for the CAC40 futures. How can I solve this problem ? Thank you

  8. Didier Amelinckx says:

    Hello again,

    sorry, problem is solved. I had to delete the CAC40 symbol in BT and make a new CAC 40 symbol with the right multiplier. Works fine now


  9. Stano says:

    Hello Larry,

    I have the latest version of TWS. Today I installed your latest version BT_2013r13. But when I run BT to connect with TWS, then I get notice: Run_time error ’13’: Type mismatch, and it is over. Older version BT_2013r08 functions without problem. Can you help me?

  10. Stano says:

    Hello Larry,
    I have the latest version of TWS. Today I installed your latest version BT_2013r13. But whe I run BT to connect with TWS, then I get notice: Run_time error ’13’: Type mismatch, and it is over. Older version BT_2013r08 functions without problem. Can you help me ?

  11. Stano says:

    Hello Larry,
    I installed API 9.70, but it still does not work (Run_time error ’13′: Type mismatch). Then I tried to load older version BT_2013r08, but now by typing orders don’t work already neither older version and show me error: Error occured on Line 60 of procedure frmMain : Tws1PlaceOrderError 10000 (Access Violation: the instruction at ‘0x778B5B64’ attempted to ‘read’ data at address ‘0xFFFFFFFF’ in procedure Tws1PlaceOrder of Form frmMain *********** ?!?

  12. Stano says:

    Hello Larry,
    I installed the latest version of TWS, IB API and BT, but when I start up BT to connect with TWS, then I get notice: Run_time error ’13′: Type mismatch, and it is over. Can you help me ?

    • larrysy says:

      The error might be due to the decimal separator.

      Try changing your decimal point to period instead of comma.

      In Windows
      – go to Control Panel
      – go to Clock, Language, Region
      – go to Region and Language
      – go to Change the date, time and number format
      – go to Additional Settings
      – in the Decimal symbol – change comma to period

  13. Stano says:

    Hello Larry,
    Thank you very much. It works.

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